We are very different. We are already multidimensional beings, and with our bodies here in the oceans our souls always reside beyond the veils. It cannot be any different. We are here and yet we are there. We bring the information you need to you from the stars and through the ether, but this comes as energy you translate into words. Just take a deep breath and dive deeper with us now...
it is love that you feel from us when you are near us. And exhilaration and joy. And we can entice these feelings in you because here is no other living being on the planet like us. There are no beings who live multidimensionally but always in the oceans of Gaia. There are the Pleiadians who live inside of Mt. Shasta who are multidimensional, and this is outstanding to you. And nearly an impossible concept to understand.
But here we are, in your very oceans with our hearts in our bodies, and our souls in Siruis. And when we are together with you, you feel our energy fields so large that we entrain you to feel things, vibrations, ideas, and concepts that you have never felt before. This is the job of a master.
This is what we are here to do, to train you. To awaken within you a new truth and a new idea, so you can use these ideas to be the masters that you are and awaken the lights across the world.
Dearest hearts we will always be this way, as it was designed to be. And dear ones it was designed to be this way for you too. Your work is to expand your energy fields now. To entrain those around you to their own mastery. So, breathe and expand, breathe and expand.
Though we are separated via the land, we are always, always with you and never will this change. Call on us now and feel our energy embrace as if we were together in the water.
Namaste, The Unity Heart of the Whales of Lemuria
Photo by Stephen Leonardi