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Whales of Lemuria

Conscious female leaders...
Know your unique spiritual superpower, so you can live, love and lead from your sacred heart - everyday!

Sacred Whale Retreats

Sacred Humpback Whale Peering At Camera

Letina will take you to the compassionate heart of the whales, in a way that no other spiritual guide can.

Feel your spirit soar as they “see” you fully, as you’ve never been seen before. Eye to eye in the loving gaze of the whales will “open” your spiritual gift, and clear the way for you to know and live your spiritual life purpose. Heart to heart with the whales, will expand your self love and compassion, and open you to a centred and heart based life. Learn how to bring their presence into your being, and use their loving strength and courage to integrate your spiritual superpower into your life, so you can love, live and lead from your heart.

Registrations Now Open

Transformational Whale Retreats
In Hervey Bay, Australia

“Having facilitated more than 250 sacred circles on land, on boats and in the ocean with the Whales, I lovingly offer my wisdom to you, so you can connect your spiritual gifts with your purpose, and intentionally create a heart based, joy filled and congruent life.”

About Letina

Letina is Internationally renowned for her exquisite, multi-dimensional communication with the whales, being a bridge for their consciousness, and is dedicated to sharing their loving, high vibrational messages with you. Specifically gifted to us by the whales, these loving lessons are given so that we may live in our mastery, here on new earth today. Letina shares her offerings throughout the world through Sacred Whale Retreats within Australia and French Polynesia, and spiritual mentoring through the channelled healing modality “The Lemurian Unity Invocations”© I will help you awaken, recognise and integrate your spiritual superpower into your life, so you can courageously bring your full light into the world.”

What our Clients are Saying

‘"ABSOLUTELY LIFE CHANGING!" An unforgettable 90 minute heart connection with the Whales”’

Karen Revivo,

from Sacred Whales Retreat 2024

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