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Image by Karsten Winegeart

Five Lessons From Lemuria

Five channelled lessons from the Whales, to activate soul memory and accelerate connection to your spiritual purpose

The Essence of the 5 Lemurian Lessons

Icon for Lesson 1: The Whales Love You

Lesson 1

The Whales Love You

  • The whales promise to meet you on your awakening path, and will do the heavy lifting for you. 

  • How our reality changes from multi-dimensional into physical. 

  • Intentional contact with your spirit guides.

  • Activating your multi-dimensional DNA.

  • Understand the connection between the Pleiadian race and the whales.

Icon for Lesson 2: Lemuria and You

Lesson 2

Lemuria and You

  • Is Lemuria home or a mystery to you?

  • Your Lemurian soul is being called to awaken and rebirth now.

  • Rebirthing Lemurian souls is sacred women’s business.

  • Choosing to know and love the fullness of your Lemurian soul.

  • What happens when you say yes to your Lemurian unfolding.

  • How the multidimensional becomes physical.

Icon for Lesson 3: Knowing Your Own Awakening Path

Lesson 3

Knowing Your Own Awakening Path

  • Now is the time for your unique healing gift to shine.

  • How Gaia is helping light workers like you, right now.

  • Love and honour your journey, and that of others.

  • Your journey is unique, and mustn’t be compared.  

  • You are already enough.

Icon for Lesson 4: Your Language of Light

Lesson 4

Your Language of Light

  • How to hear with the ears of the heart.

  • Coming out of the spiritual closet now.

  • Your soul’s light language, and why you can speak it now.

  • Finding your soul family to complete sacred Lemurian work in unity.

  • Your superpower is your divine, soft, feminine light.

Icon for Lesson 5: Claim Your Spiritual Life Purpose

Lesson 5

Claim Your Spiritual Life Purpose.

  • How to live in your mastery with constant access to the divine.

  • Know how you can live in the light of all potentials.

  • Your heart space, is the place.

  • Your macro and micro life purpose.

  • Know why honouring the whales and your Pleiadian Star Mother is linked to your awakening and ascension.

Lemurian Light Language with Five High Vibrational Lessons, to Awaken Your Lemurian Gift.

Unlimited replays to the recorded live lessons and meditations. 

Hi, I’m Letina

Welcome to our sacred circle. 

In 2021, women from all over Gaia gathered with me for one week to "Awaken the Lemurian Within".


Each day we received a high vibrational lesson from the Whales, with a guided meditation, and light language to accelerate our remembering.


We present these to you here, for your ongoing awakening. They are just as potent today, as they were the day they were originally given.  


I physically received and recorded these Lemurian lessons and guided meditations created by the Whales because I am a bridge for their consciousness. However it was the Whales who gathered the women to receive these amplifications together, at the same time.

You are a Lemurian woman, and I am dedicated to your awakening journey.


Join me as I flow their loving inspirations to you.

Ignite the benevolent knowledge held within your wise soul.

Live your soul’s highest potential, right now.

Letina Russel, the Guide for Whale Retreats

Become a Member and Receive the 5 Lessons of Lemuria

As a member, you will receive:

  • 6 +hours of lessons

  • Guided meditations

  • Light language accelerations so you can know and hold your Lemurian light.

Held exclusively within Whales Of Lemuria Member Area.

Become a member today and receive unlimited, on demand access to these 5 guided meditations and high vibrational lessons for only $67.

  • 67$

Your Membership Includes:

  • 67$
Image by Abigail Lynn

Dive Deeply with the Whales of Lemuria to Uncover your Lemurian Gift. 

You are the one you’ve been waiting for.

  • What is The Retreat Registration Process?
    Because of the dynamic energy of our group, and the limited spaces on our retreats, they are very special, one of kind, unique experiences. When you combine this with the Whales, and the unpredictability of nature, we need to ensure that at we as a group are all connected and sharing the same intentions for heart centred growth, and sharing beautiful experiences with the Whales. There will be two enrolment calls: 1/ RETREAT HARMONY SESSION (Your DISCOVERY CALL) Held with Letina Russell on ZOOM - Please allow 45 minutes. This call is all about energetic alignment - to ensure that our retreats are the right fit for you at this stage in your life. These are transformational retreats, where we hold the intentions for deep healing, personal and spiritual growth. Plus JOY, FUN, EXPANSION! So this Discovery Call is when we feel all the possibilities our retreats hold for you, and prepare you for the next call. 2/ RETREAT READINESS CALL Held with an experienced member of our Retreat Team. This call will cover practical and important aspects of our retreat such as: *Your swimming and snorkelling ability, and general fitness levels; *Any dietary requirements we need to be aware of; *Travel insurance that will cover you if you need to cancel; *Your ability to comfortably be able to pay for the retreat at this time. * 4 x documents that must be signed and returned to us for your registration to be complete: Medical Declaration; Swimming Declaration; Terms and Policies Waiver Once this second call has been completed, and if our retreats align with you, then you will be invited to join us on our retreat. To hold your place a non refundable deposit of $500 is required, whilst we wait for the return of your retreat registration paperwork. This deposit represents your intention to join our retreat. However your place is not held until all paperwork is returned and payment has been made. We have pay in full options, or payment plans with AfterPay and Zip Pay if this is suitable for you.
  • What is Your Cancellation Policy
    You may read below our Terms and Policies, and also view a copy of our Terms and Policies here. Whales of Lemuria, Sacred Whale Retreats & Workshops Terms and Policies: Please read our Terms and Policies carefully. Rarely can we make any exceptions to these. Our administrators are instructed to follow this policy and company guidelines. So, to save any misunderstanding we would be most grateful if you will observe the following, and understand that a confirmed reservation on our retreats or workshops will include acknowledgement and signing of these terms and policies. We strongly suggest Travel Insurance that will cover all your travel expenses including the retreat, airfare and accommodation. Here are three recommendations for you to begin - we are not affiliated with these companies in any way, and do not receive any commissions or payments of any kind in recommending them to you. Cancellation Policy • If the guest cancels between 24-72 hours after booking, and payment has been made in full, the total booking amount will be refunded. • If the guest cancels their booking between 1 March 2024 to 31 May 2025, the cancellation fee will be $500 with all other monies paid by the guest, to be refunded to the guest. • If the guest cancels from 1 June 2025, no refunds will be given whatsoever, however your payment will be held in credit until the following year. If you do not wish to attend the retreat the following year, you will forfeit your payment altogether. • If the guest cancels from 1 June 2025, their ticket may be transferable to another person introduced by the guest to Whales of Lemuria. If upon interview by Whales of Lemuria, this person is deemed suitable for the retreat, the original guest cancellation fee will be $500, and the full retreat payment will be payable by the new guest. • If the guest arrives and decides to leave the retreat early, the total price of the retreat fee and booking fee will be charged and is non refundable. • If the guest becomes unwell with seasickness, or other illness and cannot participate in the boat trips, the total price of the retreat fee and booking fee will be charged and is non refundable. • In case of a “no-show”, the total price of the retreat fee and booking will be charged and is non refundable. • There is only one way in which we can acknowledge cancellation of a guest’s booking; the guest must contact Letina Russell by phone on 0418 516 869 to discuss their cancellation, then email to submit their cancellation request in writing. • All cancellations will be confirmed via email after the booking has been received. • All refunds made via the PayPal platform will be refunded less any PayPal fees and charges. • If you attend our retreats or workshops, you will not be entitled to a refund. No refunds will be issued at the time of, during or after our retreat or workshop has taken place. Dissatisfaction with our retreats or workshops does not entitle you to an exchange or refund. Reservation Policy Your reservation is confirmed only when your payment is received in full, or the first of two instalment payments have been received. We may offer to hold a place on a retreat or workshop for a number of days agreed upon, or take a holding deposit of $500, and this does not constitute a confirmed reservation. Please return the following documents to us in order for your registration to be confirmed: (These will be provided to you when you register for the retreats on this website) • Signed Terms and Policies document; • Signed Swimming Declaration Form; • Signed Waiver; • Doctor's letter confirming you are healthy and able to participate in boating activities, snorkeling and floating in the water with Whales. (this can be provided after registration, and closer to the retreat). Preparation Upon your confirmed registration, we will provide you with a link to join our closed and private Facebook Group, provide you with a full itinerary, and links to the online portion of our retreat or workshop. Please inform us of any special needs or requirements, including dietary requirements, so we can fully cater for these. Alcohol Free We strongly encourage an alcohol free event. Refunds When Whales Of Lemuria Cancel A Retreat or Workshop If unforeseen circumstances force us to cancel a retreat or workshop, you will be contacted immediately. You will have the option of your payment in full being refunded, or exchanged for another retreat or workshop. Your refund will be made prior to the time the event was to take place. Retreat or Workshop Changes Our retreats and workshops are subject to change. We reserve the right to alter our program at any time, and at all times we will endeavour to provide an equal to or better experience for our guests. Covid - 19 Terms and Conditions In the event of any restrictions enforced by the Government, Whales of Lemuria will be guided by the State Governments of Victoria and Queensland, and any health authorities of the regions. Whales of Lemuria strongly advises guests not to attend our retreats if experiencing any Covid 19 symptoms. In this case, please call Letina Russelll on 0418 516 869 so we can talk through your options of attending another retreat or workshop within this season, or receiving a full credit toward a retreat or workshop within the next 15 months. Use of Retreat and Workshop Photography on Social Media Whales of Lemuria request that any photos of our retreats or workshops that are posted on social media include a tag to both #letinarussell and #whalesoflemuria Please consider others, and request permission before using photos containing other participants.
  • Why Do I Need Medical Clearance?
    We need to know that you are healthy, fit, and medically cleared to swim. You will need to sign a Medical Declaration confirming that you are fit and healthy to participate in swimming and snorkeling activities and that you are not under the influence of alcohol, medications, or substances that could impact your ability to safely engage in these activities. This clearance also includes your ability to breathe in a relaxed manner with a mask and snorkel, with no health concerns that could cause breathing restrictions. Because there is risk involved in swimming in the open ocean with whales, it is important that your blood pressure is stable, your heart is functioning optimally, and you can tolerate elevated emotional states.
  • Do I Need To Be Able To Swim?
    If you intend to get into the water with the Whales, then yes, you must be comfortable in the water, be able to swim unassisted up to 100 meters, able to float and tread water unassisted. Please view our Swimming Declaration here. Technically we are not swimming - we will be floating on our tummies, holding a rope that is strung between the hulls of the boat, or that floats out from the back of the boat. If you cannot float calmly with your face in the water, breathing through your mask, then you will be asked to remain on the bottom stairs of the boat so the bubbles and splashing do not alarm the Whales, and so everyone has the opportunity of special encounters with the Whales. No flippers are needed as we will not be "swimming". We will have an opportunity to practice moving in and out of the water, getting off and back onto the boat, as we leave the harbour, and well before we meet the Whales on our first boating day. If at this time, you cannot confidently enter the water, and float on your tummy using a mask and snorkel, you will be asked to remain on the boat, and enjoy interacting with the Whales from the back step, and rear platform of the boat. For more information, please email Letina on so we can talk through all of this together.
  • Do I Need To Be An Experienced Snorkeler?
    If you choose to enter the water, you must be able to comfortably wear a mask and breathe through a snorkel. Please view our Swimming Declaration Form here. You need to have a full understanding of your snorkeling gear, how to use it, fix it, work with it before you get onto the boat. Our resort has a pool and we will be inviting everyone in for snorkelling practice before our retreat begins. However the pool conditions are very different from ocean conditions yet this gives us a chance to check your gear, and your general ability to float, swim and tread water. The boat does not provide snorkelling gear or wetsuits. We will be floating still on our tummies in the water. Any movements may frighten the whales, so your snorkelling gear needs to be in full working order before you enter the water. We will have an opportunity to demonstrate snorkelling ability, before we get out to the Whales. We will ask that you enter the water from the boat, to check your gear is in full working order, and to demonstrate that you are a confident swimmer and snorkeler. If at this time you are not confident in the water, you will be asked to remain on the boat and interact with the Whales from the back step and rear platform.
  • Do I Have To Go In The Water?
    No. It is not necessary for you to enter the water in order to connect with the whales. There will never be any pressure put on you to enter the water, and we advise at all times, that you only enter when you are 100% comfortable to do so. If you are not comfortable going into deep ocean, then do not go in. You are welcome to stay on the boat. And you will have a wonderful experience from the back step and rear platform of the boat, tuning into the Whales, and begin within cm's of them. ​ Our idea is to be with them, present in the water next to them, and experience a real closeness with the Whales. We know the whales who meet us are part of our Sacred Circle. They will provide what you need, through connecting with them either above the water, or from within the water. Our boat has plenty of space to make personal connections with the whales. You can even lie on the bottom step with your mask and snorkel, and look at them right below us. Your experience will not be lesser if you do not enter the water. There will never be a time where you are forced to enter the water. You can join this retreat with the intention of not swimming, and this will still be a life changing retreat for you.
  • How much do the retreats cost?
    For both retreats "Your Lineage of Light" and "Leading with Love" the pricing and inclusions are the same. However the content of the meditations, activations and discussions may differ slightly between the two retreats. For full information for our 2025 dates and pricing please visit our 2025 Sacred Whale Retreats Pricing Section. International guests may pay via Stripe, whilst guests within Australia may pay using EFT. Payment plans are available. Stripe fees are added onto the price of the retreat, and are calculated at the time of your payment. Please contact Letina Russell on for further information. For cancellation information, Please refer to our Terms and Policies page.
  • What does this cost cover?
    5 x On line Sacred Whale Wisdom Journeys, from early 2025 held on Zoom in preparation for our Sacred Retreat. Read about the journeys here - they are the most important foundation for our time with the Whales. 4 x nights accommodation at Akama Bay Resort 3 x full days of private, fully catered boat hire. 3 x days of guided and transformational swims with the Humpback Whales. 3 x days of guided sound and breathwork with the Whales. 5 x awakening and transformational sacred circles including quantum guided meditations, deep listening and sharing circles where you will feel the Whales messages and guidances for you, with absolute clarity. Airfares, food, and transfers are not included.
  • Why are these retreats for women only?
    These retreats are for women only. ​ Most definitely the balance of masculine and feminine is required in the world today. More than ever before. And we honour this within our retreats. However our focus is on the inner light, intuitive gifts and innate strength that women hold, and intentionally bringing these to the world to create balance in all aspects of our lives. ​ The evening sacred circles within this retreat are empowerment circles that celebrate the gifts of divine feminine strength, wisdom keeping, wisdom teaching, healing, re-birth, intuition, telepathy and channelling - these gifts have been traditionally held sacred by women for thousands years.
  • What else can I do in Hervey Bay?
    During the retreat, we recommend gentle activities in your down time. It’s important to integrate your personal messages from the whales in a way that is meaningful for you. Lying on the beach, reading an inspirational book, writing, walking and sleeping. Sleeping is the best way to integrate your messages and enhance your personal and spiritual growth. There is not much time during our retreat for sightseeing. However before the retreat begins and after it is over, we highly recommend you spend some time on K'gari (Fraser Island). There are some sacred women's sites on the island, and some beautiful fresh water lakes to swim in.
  • What can I Expect to Achieve From This Retreat?
    Remember our sacred work of calling in the whales, and setting our intentions begins together in May of the retreat year. You can expect accelerated spiritual and personal growth, and to leave with an open heart, activated intuition, and a relaxed, balanced mind open to new possibilities. It also depends on your intentions, because the Whales will meet you on your path, exactly where you are. And because you have answered the call of the Whales, they know you and your retreat with them has already begun. ​ You can expect happiness, acceptance and love, and to feel joy. You will feel a strong bond within our small intimate groups even before you arrive at the retreat. You will make very special friendships with people who love and are called by the whales, and who are wanting to awaken their gifts, and their own portals to healing and growth. ​ If you are wanting personal growth, and to understand the fullness of who you really are, the fullness of your soul, you will receive this in a meaningful way. ​ If you are wanting to understand why you are here, to understand your life purpose, or to begin to understand your purpose work, then these possibilities will awakened in you, in a way you are able to receive.
  • How Does This Retreat Differ From Others?
    These retreats are very special, and unlike any other retreat being offered. Letina has a unique connection with the consciousness of the Whales, and understands their energy frequency. Because of this, she can lift the energy frequency of our retreat group, creating a signature that is in turn understood by the Whales. Her dedication to bring the Whale's messages of healing, love and compassion for our human awakening and ascension journeys brings support from her guides The Whale Unity Heart, and ever present loving presence of spirit throughout the retreat. They all work together to illuminate your inner gifts, strengths and personal magic, so you receive the transformation you have asked for. Letina can immerse you with the Whales like no other guide can. Being a bridge for their consciousness, the in water experiences with Letina and the Whales are literally "out of this world". You will receive eye to eye and heart to heart connection with the Whales and understand the beauty and vastness of your soul. We know that combining the beauty and the sacredness of the Fraser Coast, ancient land and ocean, with the Humpback Whales and their channelled messages of awakening for our retreat group, that your most intimate needs will be addressed, even if you do not speak them out loud.
  • Is it Easy To Get There?
    Flying into Australia from overseas, fly into Brisbane International Airport. Then take a short 1 hour Qantas Link flight to Hervey Bay. Jetstar also fly between Brisbane and Hervey Bay. From the Hervey Bay airport, it is a very short 10 minute drive to our accommodation. ​ Hervey Bay is approximately a 3 hour drive from Brisbane, and hire cars can be dropped at the Hervey Bay airport. We suggest you fly from Brisbane Airport to Hervey Bay. You can drive which will be approximately 3-4 hours, and taking the bus will be around 7 hours. If you are joining our retreat, then we will discuss organising a group taxi to and from the airport (departure and arrive times dependant of course).
  • Do I Need To Be On A Spiritual Journey
    You do not need to be in any particular spiritual space, or have completed any certificates or study of any spiritual or healing modalities. The Humpback Whales will meet you on your path, where ever you are on your life journey. However this is a retreat for self expansion, and we work directly with the spiritual heart of the Whales. If you are not interested in spiritual growth, or things of a metaphysical or spiritual nature, then you will find our retreats unsuitable for you. ​ Upon request for an entire group we will tailor a personal growth and leadership retreat.
  • What Does The Accommodation Provide?
    The luxury accommodation is across the road from the Great Sandy Straits Marina. ​ All apartments have two bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, some with water views, some with pool views. Spacious and beautifully appointed, and well set up for cooking your own breakfasts and light meals. ​ Accommodation is shared with others on the retreat.
  • What Happens If There Are No Whales?
    The Whales are in the waters of Hervey Bay at this time. They migrate to the warmer water to give birth and to recover from birth, to allow their babies to grow stronger in the warm waters before they migrate home again a few months later. So, the Whales will be present. ​ We will venture out to them every day, intuit where they are, use the expertise and local knowledge of our boat captain and guides to locate them, and then wait to be invited in to swim with them. ​ There is no money back guarantee if we do not swim with the Whales. ​ Our intention is to be immersed in the water with the Whales. For this to happen, the whales need to invite us to be with them, and it is best if there is little to no wind or rain. When the Whales invite us in, they are interested to be with us. There is no forcing of us upon them, and they are free to interact with us or swim away when they have had enough. Whilst there will always be dozens of Whales in the bay, it can take some time for us to connect with our right Whales.
  • Do I need a wetsuit and snorkeling gear?
    Yes. You will need to bring your own wetsuit, mask and snorkel. There is no snorkel, mask or wetsuit hire in Hervey Bay. You would be comfortable in a full length wetsuit 3mm/2mm or a 4mm/3mm. This is the maximum thickness required. Anything else would be too hot, and you would make you so buoyant that floating still may be difficult when the water is choppy. We swim in a 4mm/3mm. You will not need booties, unless you really feel the cold, and you will not need gloves or a wetsuit hood. The water is not freezing, usually between 17-19 degrees. Because we are very still in the water, and sometimes for a long time, we can get cold. Still a 4/3mm is highly recommended. You will need a mask and snorkel. We prefer not to use the full face masks, and recommend the masks that only cover your eyes and nose. When you talk to the experts when purchasing your snorkel, let them know that you will not be diving under, and you will be in the open ocean. It can be a little choppy. We highly recommend you getting a dive headband for the back of your mask too - to help from ripping your hair.
  • Are There Other Activities in Hervey Bay?
    At night time we can eat meals together in a local restaurant or you might choose to spend a night just resting quietly in preparation for our early morning swims. ​ There are cafés at the marina where you can book for dinner on your own, or self cater in your accomodation. To be as clear as possible, to receive the healings, blessings and messages from the Whales of Lemuria, and to receive the energy from the Humpback Whales in the water, we encourage an alcohol-free retreat. ​ When the retreat is over, we highly suggest you visit K'gari (Fraser Island) to further integrate the energies from the retreat.
  • What Will The Temperature Be?
    Expect the temperatures to be cool overnight, and into the low 20 degrees Celsius during the day. Be prepared for wind and light rain, by brining adequate protective clothing for the boat trips. A full packing list will be provided to you when you join our retreat. A warm hat, a sun hat, scarf, waterproof jacket, towel and dry clothes to change into.
  • What Happens In Rough Weather?
    If the weather is overcast and rainy, we will still go out. If there are winds that make it too dangerous for us to go out in the boat, then the captain will advise us. We will always act upon advice from the captain. ​ Whilst we may still go out in the boat if the conditions are not perfect, we may not swim under these conditions. We may swap our morning trip for an afternoon or sunset trip depending upon availability. If we cannot go out at all, then the boat fees for that day will be refunded to you. We will continue our sacred circle work during the day, and try to include a trip to K'gari (Fraser Island).
  • Who Facilitates The Retreat
    Letina Russell facilitates the retreat, and works with experienced boat captains and boat owners, local to the Hervey Bay area. Letina has held over 250 Sacred Circles in person, and on Zoom both here in Australia and internationally. She is an experienced healer who holds a sacred space for your personal growth and transformation in the lead up to, and during our retreats. Letina has two trusted wing - women who assist her on the boat, whilst we are in the water, and in sacred circle.
  • Are There Toilets On The Boats?
    Yes there is a full working toilet on the boat, and plenty of clean dry areas for storing your gear and discreetly changing.
  • What Do I Bring?
    Swim wear, two pairs a good idea. Light wetsuit or shorty dive suit 2 mm will be enough. Or long-sleeved swim top, with long pants, and a light vest for added buoyancy. The wetsuit not only protects you from becoming cold in the water (we could be in the water for a couple hours at a time), but it provides sun protection whilst on the boat. Mask and snorkel – must be in perfect working order. Flippers not required. Towel for the boat, wind proof jacket, and hat, sunglasses. Sunblock, environmentally friendly if possible. WOT NOT is a great Australian brand that we highly recommend. MUST BE REEF FRIENDLY Thongs Sea sickness medication if you usually require it. A good idea to pack your swim gear, mask and snorkel in your hand luggage. If luggage is lost, you will still have your swimming gear and be ready for the first whale swim. Neat casual dress for dinner in the restaurants is acceptable. A small torch for walking at night. Insect repellent. It doesn’t have to be heavy duty. We found that essential oils of citronella, tea tree, lavender, peppermint, orange etc is strong enough. You can easily make your own blend. Drink bottle for the boat. Keep cup for morning coffee. NO SINGLE USE PLASTICS PLEASE
  • Can I contact anyone if I have concerns?
    Yes. We have a private and closed Facebook Group for you to join called "Your Lineage of Light". You will be invited to join this when you have registered for our retreats. Letina Russell is live in the group and offers personal answers to all of the questions. If you aren't quite sure whether the retreat is right for you now, you can also talk with Letina in person by booking here: You can also email us at and Letina will respond to your questions.

What our Clients are Saying

Words are not powerful enough to express what happened to me on this retreat.
I received the call from England having experienced the Letina’s incredible ability to hold space and energy over Zoom, while connecting through the Lemurian Unity Invocations.
Letina's depth of connection with the whales and our Star Mothers creates a profoundly sacred space which holds everyone in a bubble for the entire retreat.
It is from this place that the magic begins.The magic of transformation, transmutation and accessing your gifts.
Once you allow yourself to trust and surrender into this space the whales, and the support of Letina do the rest.
- Karen
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