The process of allowing the “gathering” of women to join our retreats for empowerment and growth is a perfect example of taking aligned actions.
It’s simple to say, easy to understand, makes perfect sense, yet so easy to forget.
Aligned actions are inspirations that feel like they come from within. They are always for your highest, and are ever about pushing through a painful process, trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole. This latter process is more like motivation. Something from outside of you that forces, creates artificial impetus around or urges you to fulfill an obligation.
Inspiration from within, is very different - and is something that you will find your “flow” with.
No matter what you might aspire to, or what you want in your life - it's always and only ever for one reason - and that is, in the achieving of it, the having it, or the receiving it, you will feel better.
You may feel relief, happiness, love, excitement, verified, appreciated. All of which are feelings you are craving on some level.
Anything and everything that you conjure or dream only ever comes from your inspired higher self, who is always receiving from your beautiful Soul.
This inspiration never comes from your brain.
Throughout my entire life, I knew the Whales, and the Dolphins. As I continued on my awakening journey, this knowing and connection with them became greater, softer, more loving.
Yet at the same time, a slight feeling of separation began to creep in. I would feel such deep love for them, and then not know what to do with it. And this left me feeling a little helpless. As if I might never really meet them in the way my heart was calling me towards.
Something inside me, a deep guidance, a knowing was moving me towards a very special flow with the Whales. I knew there was something for me to receive, and I wanted to feel their hearts, their essence, their energies flowing through my body.
I realise now, the slight feeling of separation was my physical body catching up with my higher self. My source was guiding my physical body and higher mind to an outcome already created.
This was all purely the domain of the higher heart, higher mind and soul. All inspiration.
Closing of the gap, and diminishing the feeling of separation is about trusting your higher self and soul to know what the brain cannot. And to relax and find your flow within this trust.
The day arrived when I received my first physical activation from the Whales. At this time, I wasn’t aware what was going on, and I had no-one to help me integrate this experience. I was with my family, on sea kayaks, and the Whales swam all around us, and underneath our kayaks. At all times, I felt secure, and knew we were all safe. There was nothing to fear.
The Whales were migrating, and seemed to be absolutely steaming northward through the Pacific Ocean.
When I paddled back to the shore suddenly “out of nowhere” came the vision to take women on healing retreats to the Humpback Whales.
This did not come from my brain. And I had no idea how to do this, or where to begin. I’d never heard of this kind of adventure before.
My brain was of no help to me, with no answers and literally no where to go. It was not part of this creation, and had no place in it - yet.
Funnily enough, there was no mind chatter. At this point there seemed to be no ego involved.
My higher heart at that moment felt like the bravest leader, victorious with my higher mind, and Soul.
Here were the Whales. Beginning to pour themselves to me. And then I began to feel the guidance - which initiated my search for information.